COP27 climate summit in Egypt is taking place since the 6th of November and we decided to help organise and participate to a march on the 12th, a global day of action.

With some FoE Cardiff members we gathered outside Cardiff's City Hall at noon on Saturday, November 12 for the march for climate justice. We were also joined by FoE Pontypridd, FoE Merthyr Tydfil, and FoE Cymru - felt like a big reunion ! Starting at 12.30pm, we marched around the museum and Park Place, onto Queen Street and through The Hayes before stopping outside the Central Library for a rally to take place.
We listened to many very interesting and different speakers, including Shavanah Taj, Ophelia Dos Santos, Hussein Said, Bethan Sian of CND; Tessa Marshall, a campaigner and activist; Marianne Owens of the PCS union; Bethan Sayed of Warm This Winter; Katrine Williams from Cardiff Trades Council, and humanitarian activist Queen Niche.
Topics were ranging from Climate Justice, decentralised energy systems, local food and housing & transport to ethical clothing, human rights and climate change.