Cardiff Friends of the Earth want to see a just and fair recovery from Coronavirus.
Let's ensure we emerge from the current health crisis in a more just, equal and climate-friendly society.
Just and Green Recovery
Now is our chance to build back better - build a better future and re-build the foundations of society and the economy so that they work for all of us and our planet.
Friends of the Earth Climate Action have set out a step by step guide to lobbying your MP.
***UPDATE 27/10/2020***
Did you see us outside the Senedd a couple of weeks ago with our Green Recovery signpost?
Check out our highlights video here:
***UPDATE 23/10/2020***
Thank you to everyone who joined us for the Cardiff Friends of the Earth and Cardiff Green New Deal green recovery action outside the Senedd.
We'll keep you updated with our next steps, but for now here are a few snaps from the day.
***UPDATE 01/10/2020***
Cardiff Friends of the Earth and Cardiff Green New Deal are taking part in an October week of action focused around a green and fair recovery from the effects of Coronavirus.
Join us on Saturday 10th October 2020 from 12:00 - 15:00 outside the Senedd for our signpost action.
This is an opportunity for groups and passers-by to create a vision for their communities by adding comments to the signpost about what change they want to see post COVID-19.
We will be following Welsh Government COVID-19 guidelines and ensuring that all safety measures are in place on the day, including adhering to social distancing, wearing face masks and hand hygiene.
We would love it if you're in the area, to come along and add your comments to the signpost.