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Plastics and Zero Waste


Updated: Dec 2, 2020

Cardiff Friends of the Earth events have included Cardiff Unwrapped - Let's make Cardiff Plastic Free and hosting a community film viewing and Q&A for the Story of Plastic documentary, by the Story of Stuff Project.

Cardiff Friends of the Earth are committed to campaigning towards zero waste in Cardiff. Refuse, Reduce, Rebel!

We continue to support Friends of the Earth Cymru in their campaign efforts to ban single use plastics in Wales.

Support living without plastic by cutting down on the amount of plastic you use. Check out the top tips from Friends of the Earth on how to go Plastic-free and reduce plastic in your home.


30th-November-2020 - UPDATE

We are having a litter pick on Sunday 13th December at 11am at the Northern Meadows!

We will be adhering to the Welsh Government’s Coronavirus guidelines and therefore if you’re interested in attending, please let us know via: so that we can keep an eye on numbers.

Unfortunately, the Council hubs/libraries are not currently lending litter pickers, but some Keep Wales Tidy hubs are open and available for the collection of equipment.

They are:

  • White Water rafting Centre, Cardiff Bay

  • Llanrumney Hall, Llanrumney

  • Maes Y Coed Community Centre, Heath

Alternatively, you are welcome to bring your own. We will be supplying sanitiser and rubbish bags.

We look forward to seeing you there!


27th-October-2020 - UPDATE

StatsWales reported a staggering 35,076 incidents of fly-tipping between 2018-19.

Millions of tonnes of waste is disposed of in landfill every year, and waste incinerators are polluting our air!

Please tell the Welsh Government that you want a zero-waste Wales by 2030.

Follow the Friends of the Earth link here and email Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs, Lesley Griffiths and ask her to bring forward the zero-waste target date in Wales from 2050 to 2030.


3rd-October-2020 - UPDATE - This month is Unblocktober, a month dedicated to saving our sewers and seas.

Over 8 million tonnes of plastic are dumped into our oceans every year, causing unfathomable amounts of destruction to wildlife and marine ecosystems.

This is a systemic issue that must be tackled first and foremost by governments and corporations. But we can all do our bit to push for change.

That’s why we’re taking part in the Surfers Against Sewage #ReturnToOffender campaign.

Throughout October, we are encouraging Cardiff’s residents to See, Snap and Share plastic pollution across the city.

The goal? To call out the brands that are producing it, and tell the Welsh Government that we want policies that will rid our land and sea of the scourge of plastic pollution.

Taking part couldn’t be easier. When you see a branded piece of plastic pollution while you’re out and about, simply SNAP IT and SHARE IT.

-        #SeeIt – find branded items on streets, and in rivers, parks and the countryside.

-        #SnapIt – take a picture of it, clearly showing the brand name.

-        #ShareIt – Using Twitter or Instagram, share the picture and tag @Foecardiff #ReturnToOffender and #SurfersAgainstSewage.

Let’s come together and show that Cardiff is no longer willing to ignore damaging plastic polluters!


23rd-August- 2020 - UPDATE - We were thrilled at how many people came out to support our #BigCDFLitterPick on 25th July. All across Cardiff families, friends and even dogs did their bit to clean up our streets. Even Lord Mayor Dan De'Eath stepped out with a picker to grab some garbage!

It was encouraging to see that so many Cardiffians are invested in taking care of their community. However, the event did highlight that despite our best efforts, the city's litter problem isn't getting any better. There is still much work to be done.

Cardiff Friends of the Earth is keen to work with other litter picking groups and host more citywide events like this in the future. We will also continue calling for Cardiff Council and Welsh Government to robustly address the issue of littering on our streets, to prioritise fit-for-purpose recycling standards, and minimise single-use plastics in Wales.

Together we can create change! We are always happy to welcome new volunteers to our friendly group. If you would like to get involved with further actions, please contact for updates and information on how to join in with our monthly meetings.


August-2020 - UPDATE - The Welsh Government is consulting on whether a range of single use plastics should be banned in Wales.

What do you think? Should single use plastics be banned in Wales?

Respond online by the 22nd October 2020 - take part in the consultation here.


27th-July-2020 - UPDATE on #BigCDFLitterPick - a HUGE thank you to everyone who got involved on Saturday!It's amazing to see so many people doing their bit for the community.

Littering remains a big problem in Cardiff, the litter pick really highlighted to us that more needs to be done.

Check out our social media pictures on Facebook and Twitter. Thanks again!

Our city-wide #BigCDFLitterPick is on Saturday 25th July.

As lockdown eases and Cardiff Begins to open up once again, the city's streets and parks are looking a little worse for wear. A sharp rise in littering has been reported across Wales, which could have a devastating effect on health and wildlife.

Every piece of litter removed from our streets makes a difference and taking part is easy! To make sure the event is completely safe, we will not be meeting up in person. Instead, just grab a litter picker and take a small patch of your local neighbourhood for as little or as long as you like.

Afterwards, please tag any photos and videos on Cardiff Friends of the Earth social media using the hashtag #BigCDFLitterPick and let us know how many bags you have collected.

Our friends at Keep Cardiff Tidy recommend taking the bags of rubbish you find home to dispose of and recycle and we advise everyone to wear gloves, use a litter picker and never pick up litter with your bare hands! Key safety information can be found on Keep Cardiff Tidy. If you have a real passion for keeping Cardiff tidy, you can also sign up to become a litter champion.

We look forward to seeing all your photos and to cleaning up Cardiff together! #BigCDFLitterPick

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